Mustafa Jakupov is leading the Regional Roma Educational Youth Association (RROMA) from Kratovo, Macedonia. Under his guidance, RROMA became the first Roma NGO in the World to receive support from MTV Staying Alive Foundation to address and combat the issue of HIV in the Roma communities. Furthermore he is working on empowerment and mobilization of young Roma, as he believes that the generations that are coming will be the agents of change of the Roma community. Mustafa was also the coach of the Turkish Roma youth for youth networking, empowerment, mobilization and active citizenship from Edirne, Izmir and Hatay. Leading workshops about team building and team work, Action Planning, networking and fundraising of the Turkish Roma youth, which resulted in the creation of TRY network. He was also appointed as Mentor for new MTV grantees and nowadays he continues working with young Roma on the local and international level, addressing various issues as for example, the official recognition of the Roma genocide.

Legal Trainee. He holds a BA in Law from the Faculty of Law at the European University of Macedonia, and is currently a second year MA candidate in Judiciary. He worked as a Debate and Street Law teacher and as a Legal Trainee in NGOs in Macedonia. He is a human right activist and has organised many initiatives, public debates and protests related to human/Roma right issues. He joined the ERRC in January 2013.

Angel graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor’s degree in Education at the University of Veliko Turnovo. Afterwards, Mr. Ivanov was offered a consultancy within the ERRC where he worked for more than a year on a study titled The Role of Christian Churches in Promoting Social Change within Romani Communities. In 2008, he participated in the Roma Access Program (RAP) at the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). Angel also participated in a number of internships at the Bulgarian Parliament, Council of Europe, and Bulgarian Centre for Development and Training, AIESEC (an international student’s organization) and the Roma Education Fund (REF). He is currently employed as a Program Assistant in the Economically Disadvantaged area of America for Bulgaria Foundation.

Cristina Marian has graduated from the Faculty of Law, Moldova State University, Chisinau and holds a master degree in Business Law at the same university From 2007 until 2011 she coordinated the Human Rights department at the Roma National Center from Chisinau, Moldova. During 2010-2011 Ms. Marian was a fellow within the project Capacitating Moldovan Human Rights activists for effective Human Rights advocacy, established by the Moldova Soros Foundation and OSF Budapest, reporting the human rights infrigements towards Roma before the UN Committess. Currently, Cristina is a student in the Roma Access Program at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, majoring in Human Rights. Cristina joined FERYP in 2008.

Brisilda Taco graduated from the European University of Tirana in Albania. Brisilda hold a bachelor degree in Public Relation Communication. She took some volunteer initiative as protesting for Roma housing, online petition about offensive and derogatory language against the Roma community used by Albanian journalist, marching for human rights and being actively in Albanian TV Show promoting positive role models of Roma youth in Albania. She wrote some articles’ in national newspaper and presented in national Radio some programs in Romani language.

Brisilda is advocating for Roma that are segregated in education, housing, forced evictions and discrimination that Roma face in daily life. She is helping Roma on civil registration, Roma youth health (promotion and distribution of condoms). For 6 month worked at Best Practice for Roma Integration project supported by OSBE/ODIHR as Consultant on anti discrimination and increasing Roma participation on decision making. Now is working at OSFA – Soros Foundation at the Roma Program as Assistant.


Ahmet Kamber,student of faculty of Economics,university St.Cyryl and Methodius,department financial management.He is a team member of External Relations team of AIESEC Skopje(nternational platform for young people)disseminator in the young club of Shuto Orizari within Red Cross in Republic of  Macedonia in 2012,active member in Association of citizens,, Fileo’’ and active member of Romaversitas.

Atanas Stoyanov, 27 yo, was elected for a Municipal Council in Strazhitsa, Bulgaria for the period 2011-2015. Coming from a traditional Roma family of the group of Burgudzhii /knife-makers, smiths/ Atanas is the first Roma man from this group to go for degree in the university. Bachelor in Public Administration and in Primary Pedagogy with English. Co-founder of the Alumni Club of the Roma Interns in the Bulgarian Parliament and founder of the Center for Community Development ‘Vrastiri’. Atanas have NGO experience in several Roma organizations in Bulgaria and international organizations related to Roma: among them is Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe, Arete Yoth Foundation-Bulgaria and the European Gras-root Antiracism Movement.