Mr,Sait is coming from the Roma Familu from Skopje he finish his education at University of Skopje since his youyng activities for his community then he moce at Antwerp and cntinue with his activities.
Mr. Sait Sehersijan is president of the NGO Union of the Roma community Belgium national organization. He is member of the Belgian Roma Council and expert for Roma Education in the City of Antwerp. He is also member of Cabinet Minister Mr. President Borgoua about Roma National Strategy of Belgium.Education mediator in City of Antwerp, I now work as a social assistant at NGO Madame Fortuna.
Fatma Bajram ,is romani
girl born and rise in Skopje she grow up at the traditional roma family, she Graduated Pedagogue at the
University of Ciril and Methodij Skopje since early age as students she was active at the romani community where she live. She is co-founder of
the Non-Govermental Organization Sumnal. Fatma was nominated for the best the
woman from the USA-Embassy Skopje.Also she participate on the varius training for the social and human rights. Sumnal-Association for
development of the Roma community in Macedonia was established in
June 2004 answering the needs of the public schools, and the predominantly Roma
community of Topaana, related to extremely poor school performance, high drop
out rates,illiteracy,and low awareness of the importance of education.
Born and raised in
Seville, Spain, Juan Ramon is studying a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology. Mr
Flores joined FERYP in 2007 and arrived at European Bureau of FERYP in
September 2011. He worked at Fundacion Secretariado Gitano between 2003 and
2008 in the Youth area fostering the Roma youth participation as well as in the
ACCEDER programme by Roma employment. His main activities have carried in the
framework of the Roma youth networks with special focus on participation,
citizenship and non-formal education. Juan Ramon has worked at the European
Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) in Budapest in the Human Rights area, and as a
trainer at the Council of Europe.