Nesime Salioska is a
founder and Executive Director of the association "ROMA S.O.S." from Prilep, Macedonia and
one of the positive models of successful Roma woman in the Roma community who
puts acquired knowledge and skills in function of reducing the health inequalities
between Roma and other groups as well as promoting the right to
non-discrimination in Macedonia and beyond. That was the reason to meet and
talk to her. The association is focused on advocating the health needs of the Roma
in order to facilitate their access to health services. The implemented
activities are closely associated with creation of conditions for exercising
the health care rights as basic prerequisite for establishment of equal
treatment and better health care for the Roma - says Nesime Salisoka.
Rabbi Galina Trefil is President of the
Association for American Roma and a cinema coordinator for World Artist
Initiative Khetanes. She has been published by Romea.CZ (in English and Czech,)
Neurology Now, Jewcy, The Dissident Voice, Open Road Review, Black Fox Literary
Magazine, and the Pakistan Chronicle. She has spoken on behalf of human rights
before the Nevada State Legislature and been interviewed on BBC radio. Her
current two work projects are publishing her book on Roma slavery in 19th
century Romania and finishing filming her movie on Romani-American womens’
Sebijan Fejzula
graduated at the Department of Philosophy at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius
University in Skopje, Macedonia. In 2010, she gets an award by Roma Education
Fund - REF and USAID as a "Student of the Year." During her studies,
she gained her first professional work experience in the project USAID
"Green Schools" as a project assistant. Between 2011 and 2012, she
joined the Youth Educational Forum - MOF as financial administrative
assistant.In 2013, she successfully completes "Roma Graduate Preparation
Program" at the Central European University in Budapest. Currently she is
starting one-year Master program at the Department of Gender Studies in
Budapest. Her professionalism is addressing the question of Roma youth, Roma
women and Roma women in politics. she is also member of the Forum of European
Young Roma people (FERYP)She is one of the executive of ROMALITICO, a website
where she is writing academics papers regarding the situation of the Romani
woman in Macedonia.